[Stay healthy. See you soon. Lisa]
“Chihiro? Chihiro! We’re almost there”

“This really is the middle of nowhere.I’ll have to shop in the next town” “We’ll just have to make do.”

“Look,there’s the elementary school.That your new school,Chihiro.”Why it looks very nice.” “I liked my old school”

“Mom,my flowers got bent.” “No wonder, the way you squeeze them. A little water and they’ll perk right up.”
“My first bouquet, and it’s farewell flowers.” “What about rose you got for your birthday?”
“One rose ? One isn’t a bouquet”
“Wait a minutes.Did I take a wrong turn? I don’t get it”
“That must be it up there.The blue one on the end.””That’ it.
I guess I turned off to soon.

This man-made object is called a torii. It is the boundary between the place where humans live and the realm of the gods. means the entrance
Maybe if we go straight?”
“Oh, Please.That’s how we always get lost.” “Let’s just see what’s up here.

Audi is a very luxury car in Japan.The Audi is probably a good car, but it’s one I’ll never be able to afford. Chihiro’s family is said to be rich.
This is a car that I will never be able to buy.
“What’s are those things?” “Houses for the guardian spirits “
“Dad,Are you sure?” “Don’t worry, we’ve got for 4wheel drive.”
“Sit down ,Chihiro”

Chihiro asks, “Are you okay?” Her father replies that the car is a four-wheel drive, so there’s no need to worry.
I don’t think Chihiro is worried about the car. she has a bad feeling
Chihiro is surprised.
She is probably more surprised that her mom and dad didn’t try to stop the car than that it was driving.

Chihiro notices a smiling stone statue.
Who do you think the statue is smiling at?

The outline of the tree is blurred to express movement.

There’s a tunnel.

“There’s a tunnel.”
Father comes back to his senses.Mom was so shocked she couldn’t speak.

screech !!

“What’s this building?” “It looks likes a gate”

“Honey ,I think we should go back. Chihiro, Honestly”

“The air’s blowing in” “What is it?” “Let’s see what’s on the other side”

“It’s creepy, Dad.Can’t we go back?” Don’t bee such a chicken.
C’mon,Let’ take a look.” “The movers will be there soon.”
“So, they’ve got the keys.They’ll handle everything.””I kow,but….”

“No I won’t go. Dad,Let’ go””Come on, it’ll be fun” “I’m staying here!”
Izukuri is laughing at stupid humans.Chihiro refuses with all her might.

Will you leave only one child behind? This may be abnormal in countries other than Japan. However, it is normal in Japan. If you don’t lock your car doors, nothing will happen.
“Chihiro,don’t cling.You’ll make me trip.”


“What is this?” “Wait,here that?” “A train.” “Maybe we’re near a station” “Let’s find out.It must be close”

I’m not good at drawing landscapes.Apparently the artist who draws the landscapes in Ghibli’s films is a professional landscape painter. No wonder he’s so good.
“House,way out here” “I knew it. It’s an abandoned theme park.They built of them back in the nineties.But they went bust when the economy tanked.This must be one of them.”

“Wait, where are we going? Let’s go back,Dad” “Please!”
a strong wind blows at her, which is a warning to them.
“Mom,that building’s moaning” “I’s just the wind. What a lovely spot.We should’ve brought the sandwiches.”
“Do you smell something? Something smells good” “You’re right” “Maybe they’re open for business all.”
“Hurry up,Chihiro” “Wait for me”
The sign says draft beer
“Can you believe it?Nothing but restaurants””There’s nobody here” “Over there”
The sign above has words written on it that I don’t understand, “Hunger and Meals on Wheels.”
“Come take a look”
These foods may be prepared for the upcoming group guests.
It is normal to think that if the store staff comes, they will get angry.
It’s the same in Japan too.
“This is amazing” “Hello is anybody here” “Come on, Chihiro.It looks delicious”
“You got customers” “Don’t worry.We’re pay when they show up”
A knife is stuck in it.
Would you like to eat at this restaurant?This is also a warning to Chihiro and her family.
Her mother tells Chihiro that it’s delicious and that she should try it too.Chihiro is angry
Her father tells Chihiro that she has a cash card, so she’ll be fine. Chihiro isn’t worried about money. She’s worried that the restaurant staff will get angry if she eats the food without telling them. Chihiro is an adult and her parents are children.
I can’t hear you no matter what you say
Children are disappointed in their parents.
it’s over now.Poor Chihiro.
I thought it would be difficult to draw this picture, so I decided to stop drawing it. But I decided to draw it.
This was also hard
It must have been hard for the Ghibli staff.
While admiring the train
Haku is here.
We’re about 10 minutes into the movie.
The movie is 120 minutes long, so there’s still a long way to go.
End of volume 1 Continue to volume 2
I have drawn 10 pictures so far.
There are about 50 scenes.
Is it about 3 months?
The story continues, but Spirited Away takes a break.
From the producer
I draw about four scenes on a piece of paper. I’m editing it. If you draw this picture until the end of the story, there will be about 120 pictures. It may take 10 years, but I’m sure I’ll finish it until the end.
With the utmost respect for Ghibli and director Miyazaki, This website is produced
Thank you for watching