The broom finally stops when it turns a corner. I think it went out of control because it was desperately trying to protect Kiki. I think its mother must have asked it to protect Kiki.

When we got down to the ground, everyone was surprised, including Kiki, whose face was twitching and looked strange.

Kiki felt she had to say something since she was the center of attention.

How to draw

One hour to paint. Five hours to color. Most of the time is coloring, but this painting is 90% colored pencil, the leaves are paint, and the accessories are colored brush pens. Each coloring material has its advantages and disadvantages.

Colored pencils are the easiest to control colors and you can’t make mistakes, but they are time consuming and mentally and physically demanding.

Paints are quick to apply and feel good when coloring, but the colors can be far from the image and mistakes can occur, making recovery difficult.

I think that natural materials such as the sea, trees, and mountains are best suited for paints.

Sometimes I get a good picture without intending to. It is difficult to express such natural things with colored pencils. I used to struggle to draw the light and dark colors of leaves on trees, but with paints it is much easier.

I think it is possible that no two colors are the same when applying colors, but I don’t mind slight differences and paint as long as the atmosphere of the original painting comes through. I think the buildings are also a little different from the original painting. Sometimes the original paintings are so detailed that it is hard to tell what is depicted when looking at them, so I sometimes paint them simply or paint them from my imagination. Sometimes I draw simply, and sometimes I draw from my imagination. I try to match the atmosphere of the original.

It is common for the placement of objects and people to shift. I correct the picture from my imagination and do not redraw it. If I do that, there is no end to it.

“Well,you see ,I’m witch. My name is Kiki.”  Introduce yourself to a group of strangers.

“This is my black cat, Jiji. We’d be honored if we could live here.”

”We’d love to live here.You have a wonderful bell tower”

The people who were standing still were just waiting because the light was red, and they went when it turned green.

“We’re  grad you like it,my dear”

The lady who was late to go says so and goes.




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