KIKI’s DELIVERY SERVICE Complete Guide Volume 1


time of decision

She ran home, turned to Gigi, and said, “I’m going today.”

He is surprised that you said this so suddenly.



I’m going today.

She’s mother gets angry when what you said yesterday is different.

Kiki says she’s going today and leaves.

The room is full of flowers and plants. There are also many experimental tools such as beakers. Just like Spirited Away, Kiki’s Delivery Service takes a long time to draw. I thought Kiki’s Delivery Service would be easier, but I was wrong.

Is this old lady also a witch?
maybe a master like yoda

Mother also left home at the age of 13. She said that’s why she said it was too early, but she looks very happy. I feel like she is my child.

From here on out, I will improve the quality of the coloring. When I first started, I was just thinking about completing the painting and finished the painting in a hurry, but I realized that there was no point in finishing the painting by lowering its quality, so I tried to improve the colors as much as I could. It will be a little late though. I hope it will be completed someday…

All I learned was how to fly. Although I complain that I’m done with medicine.

Even though you’ve been in such a hurry, when the time comes, you just get lazy. refutes Kiki’s words.

No. You should be more careful when setting out on a journey.

Gigi’s facial expressions are also richly drawn, just like Kiki’s. Among Miyazaki’s works, Totoro and Kiki’s Delivery Service are rich in expression.

When you stop and look at it, its expression changes all the time. That’s very interesting.

It had a weird face, so I drew it.

I’m worried about what will happen. These lines made me think for a moment that Kiki’s inner voice was being projected onto Jiji’s cry, or maybe she had just been meowing from the beginning. There may be other opinions, and there are many different ways to look at it. Because he’s the one who makes the decision right away…

Oh, I wonder… I say I’m looking forward to it and I’m excited, but I feel like She’s conflicted because Gigi’s words are in my heart.At 13 years old, I can’t leave the house easily. It must be scary.  This is not something that can normally be done.

I wonder if You may be worried if what you have prepared is candy.

She put the candy in my bag.
At that moment, She notice a noise.

Outside is her father.

Her dad is loading their bags into the car.
She tells him she’s also going tonight.

t seems he borrowed some equipment for next week’s camping trip.

Kiki suddenly said, “I’ve already made up my mind.”

You might think that’s selfish, considering they had plans to go camping next week. But spending some fun time with family before setting off on her own would make her waver. I think he probably thought that if he was going to go, now would be a better time to make up his mind. It’s not that I don’t understand how he feels. By the way, Kiki’s family is Mr./Ms. Okino. That’s what he said when he called to tell her about Kiki’s departure.

Kiki doesn’t like the witch’s clothes. “Black cat and black clothes are just black.”

Her mother gently tells her not to worry so much about the appearance, it’s the heart that counts.

The paintings are not difficult, but each one is very picturesque.

All the scenes are great.

Kiki’s mother tells her to always keep a smile on her face.
Kiki’s mother’s expression at this moment was very serious.
I think any woman can understand the feelings of seeing her daughter off.

I especially want you to look at the changes in facial expressions in Kiki’s Delivery Service. Each expression has a meaning, and I try to recreate that as much as possible.

Farewell to father. Last look at the little witch.
There is a Totoro doll.

Kiki’s carefree smile. It’s a lovely smile, so I feel I have to draw it, but there are so many scenes like this that I’m not making much progress. It’s now 4 minutes and 50 seconds into the film.

I’ve only been drawing this for 5 minutes. I feel like the only time you can see Kiki smiling like this is when she’s with her family. When you live alone, you’re so busy just surviving your daily life that you don’t have time to laugh. She shows off her witch’s clothes to her father.

Kiki was just a child, not yet aware of the hardships of life.

This is the scene where Kiki is pampered by her father. This is the last time we see Kiki with a childlike expression.

When you look at the way Kiki clings to her, you can see her fear and her true feelings of not wanting to go. Even though she is a witch, all she can do is fly.

Many people gathered to see Kiki off. When it’s so grand, you can’t say, “I don’t want to go.” The neighbors say that Kiki will be fine, but I wonder if they would say that about their own child. I think they’re probably saying it from their heart, not from someone else’s point of view.

When Kiki’s friends ask her where she’s going, a town with a sea view, she answers that she’s not going on vacation but to train. Her friends are jealous.

They say that you can’t become a witch without training for a year, so it looks like she’ll be able to go home after a year. I was once transferred for work because my boss told me to go to Kanazawa or Chiba for a year, but a year of reluctant living feels very long. Going to see the place for fun is different from living there for work.

Jiji is shy, so he looks like a mochi.

When Kiki tries to leave with the new broom she made, her mother tells her to take her own broom, but Kiki says she doesn’t want such an old one.


Mom tells him that the plane will fly even in the storm, and he goes to great lengths to make it, Jiji, and asks for his agreement.

He says he also likes his mother’s broom. He calls Jiji a traitor. He reluctantly accepts it. Grandma Dora tells him to do the same, so he gives up on the broom he made himself. The female pirate captain in Laputa was also Dora. It seems they are not the same person, so it’s probably just a coincidence.

Kiki’s Delivery Service is a work that is truly loved by Japanese women. When we are children, we may feel Kiki’s feelings, and when we become adults, we may feel Kiki’s mother’s feelings. I feel that it has an overwhelming and enduring popularity among Ghibli films.

Kiki’s mother looks worried, but her father is smiling.

Her hair stands on end and Kiki floats up. She has a dignified face, befitting a witch.

Kiki’s expression is constantly changing, and sometimes her face changes so much that you wonder if it’s the same Kiki. If the highlight of Spirited Away is the elaborate backgrounds, then the appeal of the  KIKI’s DELIVERY SERVICE expressions, and I realised while drawing that this was an area I put a lot of effort into creating the piece. I especially have to be careful when drawing the face.

The broom floats up, but then falls back down, and Kiki hits it.

The broom that was hit flew off in surprise, crashing into a tree before flying away.

Jiji finds something and tells Kiki

“Good evening.” “Oh, you’re new?”

“Is it hard to settle in a new town?” “Yeah, there were a lot of things that happened, but I can tell people’s fortunes, so it’s been okay.”

The cat looks like a robot

“Do you have any special skills?”

Kiki “No, but I’ve been thinking about a lot of things.”


Jiji VS Robot Cat

“My training will soon be over. I’m so happy that I can go home proudly.” “That town is my town. It’s not big, but it’s not too bad.”

“You do your best too.” “Yes.”

“See you then.”

I thought she might be a bit nasty, but she seems like a nice girl.

Sometimes people who are thought to be bad are not actually so. Sometimes they are right.



Studio Hotta is run by one person. I do everything by myself. Please follow the crazy Japanese website. To me, the word crazy is a compliment.

Thank you for watching

Thank you to everyone around the world


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